var pointerListener = new PointerListener(domElement, options);
var options = {
supportedGestures : [Tap, Pan, Pinch, Rotate, TwoFingerPan],
bubbles : false, // defaults to true
consecutiveGestures : true, // defaults to true
simultaneousGestures : true, // defaults to true
handleTouchEvents : false, // defaults to true
pointerdown : function(event, pointerListener){},
pointermove : function(event, pointerListener){},
pointerup : function(event, pointerListener){},
pointerout : function(event, pointerListener){},
pointercancel : function(event, pointerListener){},
DEBUG : true, // defaults to false
DEBUG_GESTURES : true, // defaults to false
DEBUG_CONTACT : true // defaults to false
var pointerListener = new PointerListener(domElement, options);
Option | Values | Description |
supportedGestures |
Array[] items can be gesture classes or instances of gesture classes |
Defines which gestures can be recognized |
bubbles |
Boolean true or false |
Turn event bubbling on or off. |
consecutiveGestures |
Boolean true or false |
Allow several gestures after one another without lifting the pointer. |
simultaneousGestures |
Boolean true or false |
Allow two or more gestures at the same time. For example: pinching while rotating. |
handleTouchEvents |
Boolean true or false |
Let PointerListener block default TouchEvents which might interfere with PointerEvents. |
Boolean true or false |
Show console output of the PointerListener instance. |
Boolean true or false |
Show console output of the Gesture instances. Displays the recognition process. |
Boolean true or false |
Show console output of the Contact and PointerInput instances. Displays information about vectors and collected data. |
domElement.addEventListener(EVENTNAME, function(event){
// do something
Event name | Recognizer | Simplified description |
tap | Tap | fired after pointerUp |
press | Press | fired if pointerDown stays at the same position for a longer time |
pressend | Press | fired when the pointer is relesaed after a press has been detected |
panstart | Pan | fired after pointerDown |
pan | Pan | fired during pointerMove |
panend | Pan | fired after pointerUp, pointerOut or pointerCancel |
swipe | Pan | fired after the pointer left the surface, if the user moved the pointer fast enough at the end of the motion |
swipeleft | Pan | Fired together with swipe, if the pointer was moved to the left at the end of the motion |
swiperight | Pan | Fired together with swipe, if the pointer was moved to the right at the end of the motion |
swipeup | Pan | Fired together with swipe, if the pointer was moved upwards at the end of the motion |
swipedown | Pan | Fired together with swipe, if the pointer was moved downwards at the end of the motion |
pinchstart | Pinch | fired if 2 active pointers (fingers) are present and the distance between those two changed |
pinch | Pinch | fired during changes in distance between 2 pointers (fingers) |
pinchend | Pinch | fired if 2 active pointers (fingers) had been present pinching, and one of them is removed |
rotatestart | Rotate | fired if 2 active pointers (fingers) are present and are moved in a circular motion |
rotate | Rotate | fired during changes in rotation performed with 2 pointers (fingers) |
rotateend | Rotate | fired if 2 active pointers (fingers) had been present rotating, and one of them is removed |
twofingerpanstart | TwoFingerPan | fired if 2 active pointers (fingers) are present and an initial, parallel movement in the same direction occurs |
twofingerpan | TwoFingerPan | fired during the parallel movement of 2 fingers |
twofingerpanend | TwoFingerPan | fired if 2 active pointers (fingers) had been present panning, and one of them is removed |
detail : {
pointerManager : PointerManager instance,
gesture : gestureInstance, // instance of Tap, Pan recognizer etc
global : { // global covers data spanning the whole pointer contact duration
deltaX : Number, // traveled distance along the x-axis in px, whole contact duration
deltaY : Number, // traveled distance along the y-axis in px, whole contact duration
distance: Number, // traveled distance / length of the vector in px, whole contact duration
speedX : Number, // px/ms along the x-axis, whole contact duration
speedY : Number, // px/ms along the y-axis, whole contact duration
speed : Number, // px/ms, whole contact curation
direction : DIRECTION, // matches the DIRECTION constants, direction from start to end of whole contact duration
scale : Number, // scaling if multi pointer, 1 if single pointer, whole contact duration
rotation : Number, // degrees if multi pointer, 0 if single pointer, whole contact duration
center : { // center between two pointers if multi pointer, last 100ms
x : Number,
y : Number
srcEvent : Event // original Event (pointerUp, pointerMove, ...)
live : { // live covers data spanning the last 100ms
deltaX : Number, // traveled distance along the x-axis within the last 100ms in px
deltaY : Number, // traveled distance along the y-axis within the last 100ms in px
distance: Number, // traveled distance / length of the vector in px, last 100ms
speedX : Number, // px/ms along the x-axis, whole contact duration, last 100ms
speedY : Number, // px/ms along the y-axis, whole contact duration, last 100ms
speed : Number, // px/ms, last 100ms
direction : DIRECTION, // matches the DIRECTION constants, direction of the last 100ms
scale : Number, // scaling if multi pointer, 1 if single pointer, last 100ms
rotation : Number, // degrees if multi pointer, 0 if single pointer, last 100ms
center : { // center between two pointers if multi pointer, last 100ms
x : Number,
y : Number
srcEvent : Event // original Event (pointerUp, pointerMove, ...)
Name | Usage Example | Description |
.on( eventType, handlerReference) |
attaches an event listener to pointerListener.domElement |
.off( eventType, handlerReference) |
removes a previously attached handlerReference |
.destroy() |
Unbinds all events and input events and makes PointerListener unusable. |
Name | Value |