Getting Started

contact.js is a open-source library that can recognize gestures made by touch, pen and mouse using PointerEvents.
Method 1: Javascript module
... and reference the downloaded file:
<script src="/path/to/contact.js" type="module"></script>
Method 2: Install it using npm
npm install contactjs@latest
First, initialize a PointerListener instance. This will active gesture detection on the domElement of your choice.
const domElement = document.getElementById("idOfElement");
const pointerListener = new PointerListener(domElement, options);
domElement.addEventListener("tap", function(event){
	// do something on tap
By default, all recognizers are active and their events are fired accordingly.
Also the viewport meta tag is recommended to scale the screen correctly. You do not have to add user-scalable=no or maximum-scale=1. Default browser gestures (pinch to zoom) can be prevented by adding touch-action:none to the domElement in css.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
One PointerListener to rule them all
If you initialize PointerListener with document.body as the domElement, you will be able to access contactjs events on all elements.
const pointerListener = new PointerListener(document.body, options);
const anyDomElement = document.getElementById("idOfElement")
anyDomElement.addEventListener("tap", function(event){
	// do something on tap